To book me to face paint at your event, I charge a minimum of $85 for the first hour (minimum of one hour required), and $60 for
each additional hour after that.
I am also available to paint at fundraisers and public events, at a pay-per-face rate. I will appear at your event to do face painting
while charging my standard “pay per face” rates to the patrons of the event. At the end of the event a percentage of the proceeds
benefit your group/charity and the rest covers my costs and materials.
Travel Fees: $1.00/mile if outside a 25 mile radius of Grand Terrace, CA, 92313.
Please read the following rules and policies before booking your event. You can also download the contract
You must provide:
– A suitably protected area to work in, with adequate lighting. This means that the area is either indoors or in an outdoor area with cover or protection from sun, rain, or wind. If the weather is over 90 degrees or under 65 degrees, the work area must be inside. This work area must also be located away from any loud music or DJ at your event, because it is important that I be able to hear the people I paint. Also, small kids tend to jump and flinch at loud noises, which makes for a messy design! 🙂 Finally, make sure that there is plenty of lighting available, so that I am able to see what I’m painting.
– A sturdy table at least 4 feet long, and at least 2 adult-sized chairs. I need to have a large table to be able to spread my materials out on in order to complete my work efficiently. If this table can not get paint on it, please provide a temporary tablecover such as a plastic or paper one. *Note: If you are unable to provide a table and chairs, I can bring a table for an additional cost of $35, and chairs for $10 each.
– Access to water. I need to be able to rinse out my brushes and water supplies, for sanitary reasons. A sink is best, or for outdoor locations, at least a hose and an area where I can dispose of dirty water.
– A line manager. Since I need to spend my time concentrating on whoever I am painting, it helps tremendously if you can assign a volunteer to help manage the line, make sure each guest can choose a design, and figure out who is next to be painted. This can be a family friend or even a responsible teenager. If there will be over 25 guests, a line manager is mandatory. Please have this person meet me before the event starts, and I will walk them through what I need them to do.
Babies and Toddlers: I will not paint children under 2 years old. For toddlers, if they seem particularly fussy and do not seem to want to be painted, I will not force them.
Paint “melting” off: Generally, my designs should stay on for at least a few hours on most people. However, please be aware that the designs may smudge or “melt” off if the child is rubbing their face or sweating profusely, such as jumping around in a bounce house.
Gaining Permission: You must gain permission from the parents of minors to allow me to paint their children. In addition to your gaining their permission verbally, and putting a notice in the party invitation, it is vital you make parents aware they are allowing me to paint their children at their own risk.
Photos:I would love it if you emailed me any photos you take of me painting at the event, or the designs, as the photos are often the best advertisement! I also may be taking photos of the designs during the event to use as examples, and will send them to you free of charge if you provide your email. If a parent does not want their child to be photographed or their photo to be used on my website, please have them inform me, and I will immediately take it down or crop the design to not show any identifying features.
Health: All people to be painted must be in good health. I will not paint anyone who is visibly sick (runny nose, cough, etc), has skin conditions, or open sores in the area to be painted. If a child cannot have their face painted, I may offer to paint their hand or arm instead. This is to ensure that all my supplies are kept sanitary and I do not spread anything to the other kids. It is also for the child’s own safety.
Supplies and Allergies: I use only the highest quality, FDA approved cosmetic grade paints designed especially for face painting. The brands I use are the least likely to cause allergic reactions, but some children are especially sensitive. If you have a guest that you believe falls into this category, please have them inform me at the beginning of the event, and I will do a “paint allergy test” on a patch of their skin. Client also understands that darker face paints may linger and must be removed with mild soap, water and washcloth.
Breaks and Stop Time: Artists will have paid breaks of 5-10 minutes every two hours and access to a rest room.
Finishing everyone: I will do my best to complete as many faces possible within the allotted time. However, since the complexity of each design varies, that is dependent upon which designs your guests choose and how many guests there are. I can generally paint about 10 to 12 guests in an hour. So if you book me for two hours and have 100 guests, please let them know that I will not be able to paint everyone. Sometimes we have an event booked right after yours and we may not be able to stay past stop time contracted here.
When Time is almost up: When it is getting close to the end of time you’ve booked me for, I will do my best to finish the remaining people in line and have someone find you to let you know that I will be leaving soon. However, if a large number of people are still waiting, you are responsible for letting your guests know that I need to leave. If you desire, and if I do not have another appointment afterward, I can stay and finish all the guests in line for an additional $1 per minute past the alotted time.
Extreme Adverse Working Conditions: Artist has the right to cease painting and leave without refunding any monies if there are extreme adverse working conditions and the Client fails to remedy the situation after it has been brought to the Client’s attention. Adverse conditions included but not limited to: destructive, violent, or extreme inappropriate behavior of a child, pet or adult; illegal activities; or otherwise dangerous conditions.
Liability Statement: While we use ONLY FDA approved cosmetic grade face painting supplies, Artist is not liable for allergic reactions to paints. People with skin allergies or sensitive skin should either not participate, or have Artist perform a patch test at the beginning of the party. Client understands that darker face paints will linger and must be removed with mild soap, water and washcloth. For safety reasons, Artists will not paint children under 2 years old or anyone who is unwilling. Per insurance requirements, Artists will not paint anyone who is or appears to the Artist to be sick or suffering from cold sores, conjunctivitis, ringworm, sunburn, eczema, any infectious skin condition or open wounds. These determinations are at the Artist’s discretion. Our insurance does not allow party guests to use our paints. Artists will use reasonable care, but is not responsible for damage to clothing or property. Artist is not responsible for any injuries, negligence, allergic reactions, or incidences caused by unruly behavior by guests during a party. Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent with live entertainment. These include, but are not limited to, dangers from tripping over equipment, dangers from paint and paint brushes. Client assumes the liability for all such risks and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Laci Morgan and against any and all accidents, claims, judgments, costs or liability for damage, injury to any person or property during the Event including time of set up and take down, by guests and staff. The Client agrees to pay for any accidents or injuries caused by pets or guests, and/or any damage to Artist’s equipment or supplies caused by pets, lawn sprinklers, or guests. Under no circumstances will Artists supervise children. Their behavior and safety is the Client’s and/or Parents’ responsibility.
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